Top 100 Questions for Speaking Practice


Questions 1 to 20

1- Can I have your name?


2- What’s the meaning of your name?


3- What month or day of the week were you born?


4- Where do you come from? Do you really like your home town?


5 – May I know about your family? How many siblings do you have?


6 – Can you tell about your schooling?


7 – What are your qualifications? What are you majoring in?


8 – Do you have any job or you’re doing a business?


9 – What’s the nature of your job? I mean what activities do you have to perform at work and do you really like it?


10 – How do you usually spend your day, Eid, vacations or Sunday? (ask each separately)


11 – Do you like hanging out with your friends on every weekend and what places you like to visit?


12 – Do you like computer games? What’s your favorite game you like to play every time?

13 – How often do you watch movies? What kind of movies do you watch?

14 – How often do you read books? What sort of books do you like to read?

15 – How often do you go shopping? What kind of things you like to buy?


16 – Do you like music? Do you think some music types are really boring?


17 – What’s the best moment of your life?


18 – Do you think some music types are really boring?


19 – What’s the best moment of your life?


20 – Can you tell me about the worst incident that ever happened with you?



Questions 21 to 40

21 – Do you like to make friends from different regions of the word, I mean using Internet?


22 – Do you have any plan to start a business in the future or you would like to continue with a job?


 23 – What is the best business these days? What’s your family business?


 24 – What kind of food do you like to eat when you visit any restaurant?


 25 – Do you like eating at restaurants with your family or friends?


 26 – Those parents who are aggressive at their kids all the time do you think they’re good parents and are capable of to train their kids?


 27 – What’s your opinion about the kids who live in family system do you think they get better training?


28 – Okay do you like to live in combine family system or separate family system?


29 – What is the role of a teacher specially a primary school teacher in establishing or developing behavior in the kid at early stage?


 30 – Can you tell me how to train kids at early stage being a father or being a mother?


31 – Let’s talk about kids psychology do you think kids are more emotional than elders?


32 – Do you have any idea about cars, which car do you like the most?


33 – Which mobile phone do you use and which one do you recommend me to buy?


34 – Could you tell about the benefits of mobile phones?


 35 – In your opinion, which online sources are good for learning?


36 – Do you think online education is getting popular these days?


 37 – Have you got any idea about online earning?


38- What course are you going to study at university?


39 – Do you live with your family or grandparents?


 40 – Lets suppose you have a YouTube channel. What sort of marketing strategies would you use to promote your content?



Questions 41 - 60


41 – Do you really think movies can give us the best lessons or these are just wastage of time? What kind of movies do you suggest me for some great lessons?


42 – What ideas come in your mind for short films if you ever get a chance to make a film? or How can we really highlight social issues through movies?


43 – Do you think religion is added in movies for the purpose of manipulation? How can we add ethical values in movies?


44 – What’s your opinion about the movies which were released in 90’s and the movies which are released these days?


45 – Which kind of movies do you like the most? and do you understand native accent in English movies?


46 – In movies and cartoons, you see some propaganda techniques are used. What are those techniques which might be dangerous for the kids or youth?


47 – Your fellow toppled down the stationary box. How did you react?


48 – When you open eye by night you have craving to eat mostly? Do you go to the kitchen or order something online?

49 – The Math teacher solved the wrong question on board. Communicate him softly.

50 – Your baby sister/ brother tease you very much. Is it really true? I want to know.


51 – Have you found ever a stubborn friend? What thing annoyed you the most?

52 – What is your dream house? What are the things you would like to have at your dream home?

53 – What’s the best childhood cartoon you ever remember?

54 – Should I cook pasta or do you want something else?

55 – Oh! I accidentally broke your toy? How can I compensate?

56 – Will you prefer to ride alone or with someone? If alone then why? If with someone, who’s that person and why did you chose him?


57 – Can you fix anything at home, such as bike, phone, tv, broken table etc. How do you do that?

58 – Did you witness the stealing of vegetable from market? How did it happen?

59 – How do your parents react when you show your result card?


60 – Dress is expensive and you have less money. Convince the shopkeeper to give you at low price.


Questions 61 - 80

61 – Make a call to your father and inform him about high electricity bill you’ve just received at your home.


78 – But you have few documents missing so, convey it to him.

77 – Can you explain how to play cricket, football or badminton and what equipment do you really need to play these games?


 76 – Did you ever wish to have a magical gadget which could work for you? If you got any, what wishes would you like to fulfill?


75 – Do you think you can bring any minor or big change in the society? What are the habits you would like to change in your friends?


74-  Your friend has lent your toy. Ask him to return timely. How will you so that he/she may not offend?


73 – What is good about your favorite teacher?


72 – Suppose the party is on peak and some threw beverage on you. Then?


71 – The shampoo you brought is bogus. How will you complaint?


70 – What do you like about birthdays celebration?


69 – What do you like in your teacher?


68 – The person you didn’t like in the neighborhood. Who was that person and what were the reasons you used to hate him?


67 – The last present that the aunt gave you is still with you. But you have hidden it from family. Why?


68 – The eyes were widened when you saw that accident. Describe the whole incident in your own words.


66 – How does your elder sister/brother make tea?


65 – The maid broke the vase and mother scolded her. Deliver the same dialogue.


64 – You caught envy in your cousin against you. What was the cause?


63 – Although the wedding was going well but the charm destroyed suddenly, what was that particular situation which changed your mood?


62 – Fishing is an art. Have you ever gone for fishing, how was the experience?


79 – Go to bank and request the officer for opening of account.

80 – Your burner got out of control, you faced a big fire in the room, how would you tackle the situation?


Questions 81 to 100

81 – When did you wear red last time and why?


82 – Tell your father that your sister spilled body lotion on floor.


83 – You’re suffering from headache, how will you stop the drum beaters politely?


84 – If things are expensive and out of your range, would you request for a discount or leave for another shop?


85 – As a person when we have a handful amount for shopping we sacrifice over few things. What will you sacrifice?


 86 – Does patience brings temperament stability?


 87 – If you’re stuck in traffic how will you react then?


88 – How did you fall from stair case?


 89 – Do you believe in friendship? What are the factors which may make a friendship weaker or stronger? 90 – Do you like cats?


91- What are the physical activities you like to avoid at home?


92 – The trainer is forcing for swimming but you don’t like.


 93 – Lets suppose you’ve got a terrible situation at a restaurant, you felt so aggressive. What made you aggressive and how would you try to tackle the situation?


 94 – You have to refill your plate with a fish piece. How will you convey to waiter.


 95 – Where were you when I made you call by 6 of evening?


96 – Does your teacher pat you?


97 – What’s your dream place you like to visit and it seems impossible. What are the reasons it’s impossible to get there?


98- Close the eyes, imagine a cool running stream. How are you feeling by the moment?


 99 – When do you wiggle the nose?


100 – Are you allergic of any particular pet?

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