How to Translate into English?

 پاکستان میں چونکہ گرامر ٹرانسلیشن میتھڈ چل رہا ہے۔ یعنی انگلش پڑھانے کیل گرامر اور ٹرانسلیشن کے طریقہ کار کا استعمال ہوتا ہے۔ بچپن سے لے کر گریجوایشن اور ماسٹر سطح تک چند فقرات یا پیراگراف دے دیئے جاتے ہیں جنہیں اردو یا انگلش میں ترجمہ کیا جاتا ہے۔

 ووکیبلری کا آتا ہے۔ اگر ووکیبلری ہو تو انگری عبارت سمجھ آجاتی ہے اور طالب علم انگریزی سے اردو عبارت بنا ہی لیتا ہے۔ تو انگریزی ترجمہ کرتے وقت جس ووکیبلری لفظ کی سمجھ نہ آئے اسکا معنی ڈکشنری سے دیکھ لیں اور باقی مکمل فقرہ خود لکھنے کی کوشش کریں۔ اس پریکٹس کو دو سے تین ماہ تک کریں گے تو بہت فائدہ ہوگا۔ حتیٰ کہ امتحان میں بھی انگلش سے اردو ترجمہ کرتے وقت دقت نہیں ہوگی۔ یاد رکھیں اردو آپکی مادری زبان ہے، فقرے کو ترتیب دینا آسان ہوگا۔ 

Example: A tall man in black coat standing near a hospital was looking at the lady who was holding a bag in her left hand.

ترجمہ کرتے وقت دیکھیں کہ فقرے میں سبجیکٹ کون ہے۔ سبجیکٹ ایک نام نہیں ہوگا بلکہ اکثر پوری ناؤن فریز ہوتی ہے۔ جیسے ایک لمبا آدمی کالے کوٹ میں ہسپتال کے سامنے کھڑا۔ یہ تمام سبجیکٹ ہے یعنی کام کرنے والا۔ پھر اس سبجیکٹ میں دیکھیں کہ چھوٹی چھوٹی فریز ہیں جنکو پریپوزیشن کی مدد سے جوڑا گیا ہے۔ تو اسکو اگر توڑ کر ترجمہ کریں تو یہ ترجمہ ہوگا۔ 

ایک لمبا آدمی

کالے کوٹ میں

ہسپتال کے پاس کھڑا 

دیکھ رہا تھا

ایک خاتون

جو کہ بیگ پکڑے ہوئے تھی

بائیں ہاتھ میں

اب اس فقرے کو اپنی مادری زبان کی مہارت کی مدد سے جوڑنے کی کوشش کریں۔ ‘ایک لمبا آدمی جس نے کالا کوٹ پہنا ہوا تھا اور ہسپتال کے باہر کھڑا تھا ایک خاتون جو کہ بائیں ہاتھ میں بستہ پکڑے ہوئے تھی اسے دیکھ رہا تھا۔ تو یاد رہے لفظی ترجمہ کی بجائے ‘فریز کی شکل’ میں ترجمہ کریں۔ 

Urdu to English

انگلش کا مسئلہ یہ تھا کہ انگش کی عبارت سمجھ نہیں آتی تھی لیکن اردو کی عبارت سمجھ تو آجاتی ہے لیکن اسے انگلش میں کیسے شفٹ کریں۔ انگلش ترجمہ کرتے وقت بھی الفاظ کو چھوٹی چھوٹی فریز میں توڑنا بہتر ہے پھر اسکو مکمل ترتیب دینا آسان رہتا ہے۔ مثال کے طور پر:

 پاکستان کی عوام جو کہ تھوڑی سی لالچ کیلئے کئی سالوں سے کرپٹ حکمرانوں کو سہولت دیتی رہی ہے آج ان نازک حالات پر رو رہی ہے۔

وضاحت: اس فقرے میں دیکھیں کہ سبجیکٹ پاکستان کی عوام ہے لیکن ساتھ ہی اسکو مزید کھولا گیا ہے۔ آبجیکٹ ‘رورہی ‘ ہے۔ ”ان نازک حالات پر’ اضافی معلومات ہے۔ 

  پاکستان کی قومPakistan’s nation-

جو کہ سہولت دیتی رہی کرپٹ حکمرانوں کوthat has been facilitating corrupt politicians

کئی سالوں سے  for many years

 کچھ لالچ کیلئےfor the sake of minor greed

 رو رہی ہے ان نازک حالات پرis crying in these critical circumstances

اان دنوں/آجکل these days

‘Pakistan’s nation is crying over these critical circumstances. 

[Pakistan’s nation that has been facilitating corrupt politicians for many years for the sake of little greed] is crying over the critical circumstances these days. 

لفظ ‘لالچ’ تک ناؤن فریز ہے، اسکے بعد بنیادی فعل یعنی کام لگایا گیا ہے

Concept of validity & its types


Meaning of validity

Validity refers to the question: “Does the test measure what it claims to measure”?

The word “valid” comes from the Latin ‘validus’, it meaning strong. Validity is the accuracy of test or experiment.

§  Concept of validity given by Kelly (1927) and defined validity as “a test is valid if it measures what it claims to measure”.

§  Logically, validity is the property of an argument made up of on the fact- ‘the truth of the hypotheses, guarantees the truth of the conclusion’.

§  Test Validity refers to the meaning and usefulness of test results.

§  Validity of an assessment is the degree to which it measures what it is supposed to measure.

§  More specifically, validity refers to the degree to which a certain inference or interpretation based on a test is appropriate.

§  Validity of a test means, what the test measures and how well it does?


Validity tells you how accurately a method measures something. If a method measures what it claims to measure, and the results closely correspond to real-world values, then it can be considered valid. There are four main types of validity:

  • Construct validity: Does the test measure the concept that it’s intended to measure?
  • Content validity: Is the test fully representative of what it aims to measure?
  • Face validity: Does the content of the test appear to be suitable to its aims?
  • Criterion validity: Do the results accurately measure the concrete outcome they are designed to measure?

In quantitative research, you have to consider the reliability and validity of your methods and measurements.

Construct validity

Construct validity evaluates whether a measurement tool really represents the thing we are interested in measuring. It’s central to establishing the overall validity of a method.

What is a construct?

A construct refers to a concept or characteristic that can’t be directly observed, but can be measured by observing other indicators that are associated with it.

Constructs can be characteristics of individuals, such as intelligence, obesity, job satisfaction, or depression; they can also be broader concepts applied to organizations or social groups, such as gender equality, corporate social responsibility, or freedom of speech.


There is no objective, observable entity called “depression” that we can measure directly. But based on existing psychological research and theory, we can measure depression based on a collection of symptoms and indicators, such as low self-confidence and low energy levels.

What is construct validity?

Construct validity is about ensuring that the method of measurement matches the construct you want to measure. If you develop a questionnaire to diagnose depression, you need to know: does the questionnaire really measure the construct of depression? Or is it actually measuring the respondent’s mood, self-esteem, or some other construct?

To achieve construct validity, you have to ensure that your indicators and measurements are carefully developed based on relevant existing knowledge. The questionnaire must include only relevant questions that measure known indicators of depression.

The other types of validity described below can all be considered as forms of evidence for construct validity.

 Content validity

Content validity assesses whether a test is representative of all aspects of the construct.

To produce valid results, the content of a test, survey or measurement method must cover all relevant parts of the subject it aims to measure. If some aspects are missing from the measurement (or if irrelevant aspects are included), the validity is threatened and the research is likely suffering from omitted variable bias.


A mathematics teacher develops an end-of-semester algebra test for her class. The test should cover every form of algebra that was taught in the class. If some types of algebra are left out, then the results may not be an accurate indication of students’ understanding of the subject. Similarly, if she includes questions that are not related to algebra, the results are no longer a valid measure of algebra knowledge.

Face validity

Face validity considers how suitable the content of a test seems to be on the surface. It’s similar to content validity, but face validity is a more informal and subjective assessment.


You create a survey to measure the regularity of people’s dietary habits. You review the survey items, which ask questions about every meal of the day and snacks eaten in between for every day of the week. On its surface, the survey seems like a good representation of what you want to test, so you consider it to have high face validity.

As face validity is a subjective measure, it’s often considered the weakest form of validity. However, it can be useful in the initial stages of developing a method.

Criterion validity

Criterion validity evaluates how well a test can predict a concrete outcome, or how well the results of your test approximate the results of another test.

What is a criterion variable?

A criterion variable is an established and effective measurement that is widely considered valid, sometimes referred to as a “gold standard” measurement. Criterion variables can be very difficult to find.

What is criterion validity?

To evaluate criterion validity, you calculate the correlation between the results of your measurement and the results of the criterion measurement. If there is a high correlation, this gives a good indication that your test is measuring what it intends to measure.


A university professor creates a new test to measure applicants’ English writing ability. To assess how well the test really does measure students’ writing ability, she finds an existing test that is considered a valid measurement of English writing ability, and compares the results when the same group of students take both tests. If the outcomes are very similar, the new test has high criterion validity



Top 100 Questions for Speaking Practice


Questions 1 to 20

1- Can I have your name?


2- What’s the meaning of your name?


3- What month or day of the week were you born?


4- Where do you come from? Do you really like your home town?


5 – May I know about your family? How many siblings do you have?


6 – Can you tell about your schooling?


7 – What are your qualifications? What are you majoring in?


8 – Do you have any job or you’re doing a business?


9 – What’s the nature of your job? I mean what activities do you have to perform at work and do you really like it?


10 – How do you usually spend your day, Eid, vacations or Sunday? (ask each separately)


11 – Do you like hanging out with your friends on every weekend and what places you like to visit?


12 – Do you like computer games? What’s your favorite game you like to play every time?

13 – How often do you watch movies? What kind of movies do you watch?

14 – How often do you read books? What sort of books do you like to read?

15 – How often do you go shopping? What kind of things you like to buy?


16 – Do you like music? Do you think some music types are really boring?


17 – What’s the best moment of your life?


18 – Do you think some music types are really boring?


19 – What’s the best moment of your life?


20 – Can you tell me about the worst incident that ever happened with you?



Questions 21 to 40

21 – Do you like to make friends from different regions of the word, I mean using Internet?


22 – Do you have any plan to start a business in the future or you would like to continue with a job?


 23 – What is the best business these days? What’s your family business?


 24 – What kind of food do you like to eat when you visit any restaurant?


 25 – Do you like eating at restaurants with your family or friends?


 26 – Those parents who are aggressive at their kids all the time do you think they’re good parents and are capable of to train their kids?


 27 – What’s your opinion about the kids who live in family system do you think they get better training?


28 – Okay do you like to live in combine family system or separate family system?


29 – What is the role of a teacher specially a primary school teacher in establishing or developing behavior in the kid at early stage?


 30 – Can you tell me how to train kids at early stage being a father or being a mother?


31 – Let’s talk about kids psychology do you think kids are more emotional than elders?


32 – Do you have any idea about cars, which car do you like the most?


33 – Which mobile phone do you use and which one do you recommend me to buy?


34 – Could you tell about the benefits of mobile phones?


 35 – In your opinion, which online sources are good for learning?


36 – Do you think online education is getting popular these days?


 37 – Have you got any idea about online earning?


38- What course are you going to study at university?


39 – Do you live with your family or grandparents?


 40 – Lets suppose you have a YouTube channel. What sort of marketing strategies would you use to promote your content?



Questions 41 - 60


41 – Do you really think movies can give us the best lessons or these are just wastage of time? What kind of movies do you suggest me for some great lessons?


42 – What ideas come in your mind for short films if you ever get a chance to make a film? or How can we really highlight social issues through movies?


43 – Do you think religion is added in movies for the purpose of manipulation? How can we add ethical values in movies?


44 – What’s your opinion about the movies which were released in 90’s and the movies which are released these days?


45 – Which kind of movies do you like the most? and do you understand native accent in English movies?


46 – In movies and cartoons, you see some propaganda techniques are used. What are those techniques which might be dangerous for the kids or youth?


47 – Your fellow toppled down the stationary box. How did you react?


48 – When you open eye by night you have craving to eat mostly? Do you go to the kitchen or order something online?

49 – The Math teacher solved the wrong question on board. Communicate him softly.

50 – Your baby sister/ brother tease you very much. Is it really true? I want to know.


51 – Have you found ever a stubborn friend? What thing annoyed you the most?

52 – What is your dream house? What are the things you would like to have at your dream home?

53 – What’s the best childhood cartoon you ever remember?

54 – Should I cook pasta or do you want something else?

55 – Oh! I accidentally broke your toy? How can I compensate?

56 – Will you prefer to ride alone or with someone? If alone then why? If with someone, who’s that person and why did you chose him?


57 – Can you fix anything at home, such as bike, phone, tv, broken table etc. How do you do that?

58 – Did you witness the stealing of vegetable from market? How did it happen?

59 – How do your parents react when you show your result card?


60 – Dress is expensive and you have less money. Convince the shopkeeper to give you at low price.


Questions 61 - 80

61 – Make a call to your father and inform him about high electricity bill you’ve just received at your home.


78 – But you have few documents missing so, convey it to him.

77 – Can you explain how to play cricket, football or badminton and what equipment do you really need to play these games?


 76 – Did you ever wish to have a magical gadget which could work for you? If you got any, what wishes would you like to fulfill?


75 – Do you think you can bring any minor or big change in the society? What are the habits you would like to change in your friends?


74-  Your friend has lent your toy. Ask him to return timely. How will you so that he/she may not offend?


73 – What is good about your favorite teacher?


72 – Suppose the party is on peak and some threw beverage on you. Then?


71 – The shampoo you brought is bogus. How will you complaint?


70 – What do you like about birthdays celebration?


69 – What do you like in your teacher?


68 – The person you didn’t like in the neighborhood. Who was that person and what were the reasons you used to hate him?


67 – The last present that the aunt gave you is still with you. But you have hidden it from family. Why?


68 – The eyes were widened when you saw that accident. Describe the whole incident in your own words.


66 – How does your elder sister/brother make tea?


65 – The maid broke the vase and mother scolded her. Deliver the same dialogue.


64 – You caught envy in your cousin against you. What was the cause?


63 – Although the wedding was going well but the charm destroyed suddenly, what was that particular situation which changed your mood?


62 – Fishing is an art. Have you ever gone for fishing, how was the experience?


79 – Go to bank and request the officer for opening of account.

80 – Your burner got out of control, you faced a big fire in the room, how would you tackle the situation?


Questions 81 to 100

81 – When did you wear red last time and why?


82 – Tell your father that your sister spilled body lotion on floor.


83 – You’re suffering from headache, how will you stop the drum beaters politely?


84 – If things are expensive and out of your range, would you request for a discount or leave for another shop?


85 – As a person when we have a handful amount for shopping we sacrifice over few things. What will you sacrifice?


 86 – Does patience brings temperament stability?


 87 – If you’re stuck in traffic how will you react then?


88 – How did you fall from stair case?


 89 – Do you believe in friendship? What are the factors which may make a friendship weaker or stronger? 90 – Do you like cats?


91- What are the physical activities you like to avoid at home?


92 – The trainer is forcing for swimming but you don’t like.


 93 – Lets suppose you’ve got a terrible situation at a restaurant, you felt so aggressive. What made you aggressive and how would you try to tackle the situation?


 94 – You have to refill your plate with a fish piece. How will you convey to waiter.


 95 – Where were you when I made you call by 6 of evening?


96 – Does your teacher pat you?


97 – What’s your dream place you like to visit and it seems impossible. What are the reasons it’s impossible to get there?


98- Close the eyes, imagine a cool running stream. How are you feeling by the moment?


 99 – When do you wiggle the nose?


100 – Are you allergic of any particular pet?

Use of Would

گھر میں بچوں کو انگریزی پڑھانے کیلئے ضروری نہیں کہ آپ بہت پڑھے لکھے ہوں یا آپ نے ایم اے انگلش کیا ہو، یا انگریزی گرامر پر آپکی بہت مہارت ہے۔ ابتدائی عمر میں زبان سیکھنے کیلئے بچہ اپنے دماغ کو مختلف طرح سے استعمال کرتا ہے۔ یعنی اگر مادری زبان بھی سیکھ رہا ہو تو وہ اصول و ضوابط نہیں سیکھتا بلکہ صرف زبان کا استعمال سیکھتا ہے۔ تو انگریزی کو بھی اگر ہم اسے مادری زبان سمجھ کر سکھائیں تو وہ سیکھ سکتا ہے اسکا طریقہ کار یہ ہوگا۔ بغیر گرامر کے انگریزی سکھانے کیلئے بچے کو اس اصول کا نام نا بتائیں اور نا ہی اس اصول کی پیچیدہ چیزوں میں لے کر جائیں۔

For example, -Use of Would

بچے کو صرف یہ بتائیں کہ یہ لفظ مستقبل کی باتیں بتانے کیلئے استعمال ہوتا ہے اور اسکے بعد آپ نے 10 کے قریب لگانے ہیں جو آپ کل کریں گے۔ بچہ سوچے گا کہ وہ کل اپنی نانوں گھر جائے گا، فٹ بال کھیلے گا۔ بچے کو ابتدائی مرحلے میں صرف بچے کے بارے میں بات کرنے دیں۔ مثال کے طور پر بچہ یہ فقرے بنائے گا۔

I would go Nano home.

I would play football.

I would buy a chocolate.

I would eat apple.

I would watch cartoons.

اگر بچے کے پاس وکیبلری ختم ہوگئی ہے تو اسے ایک فقرے کے ساتھ پانچ فقرے بنانے کا کہیں اس سے اسکی پریکٹس اچھی خاصی مضبوط ہوگی۔ مثلا لفظ ‘کھانا’ کے ساتھ وہ پانچ مزید چیزوں کے نام بتائے گا جنہیں وہ اگلے دن کھائے گا۔

I would eat chocolate.

I would eat mango.

I would eat vegetables.

I would eat candies.

I would eat burger.


Practice through Dialogue

Mother: What would you like to have in breakfast?

Kid: _________________________________.

Mother: Would you like to have egg in breakfast?

Kid: _________________________________.

Mother: What would you like to buy for me?

Kid: _________________________________.

Mother: Would you like to go with me?

Kid: _________________________________.

Mother: Would you please finish your homework?

Kid: _________________________________.

Mother: Would you please be silent?

Kid: _________________________________.

At early stage, do not focus on minor errors such as complicated prepositions. For a kid, ‘I would go school’ is just fine. Visit the link for complete activities and course.

I would like to + Verb (I)

I would like to help him.

I would like to invite you.

I would like to sit here.

I would like to go with you.

I would like to spend some time with you.

I would like to learn about it.

I would like to listen about her.

I would like to keep it.

I would like to give it to you.


How to Use Newspaper for Learning English


How to Use Newspaper for Learning English

انگریزی سیکھتے وقت بنیادی طور پر 4 اسکلز زہن میں رکھنی چاہئیں۔ لکھنا، بولنا، سننا اور پڑھنا۔ اخبار بنیادی طور پر روزمرہ زندگی کے واقعات پر کثیر تعداد میں مواد مہیا کرتا ہے۔ اگرچہ اخبار کی انگریزی کا سٹائل مشکل ہوتا ہے جو کہ سمجھ نہیں آتا لیکن اگر صرف مفہوم سمجھ آنا شروع ہو جائے تو انگریزی زبان کا بڑا حصہ طلباء کی سمجھ میں آنا شروع ہو جاتا ہے۔ اخبار یا میگزین کو ہم کس ووکیبلری ، فقرات اور بڑے بڑے آرٹیکلز کی پریکٹس کیلئے بھی استعمال کرسکتے ہیں جسکی تفصیلات نیچے دی جا رہی ہیں۔

How to Understand Newspaper Structure

ابتدائی زبان سیکھنے والے افراد کیلئے خبر میں موجود لمبے لمبے فقرات کو سمجھنا انتہائی مشکل ہوتا ہے۔ میری رائے یہ ہے کہ لمبے فقرات کو سمجھنے کی بجائے پہلے فریز کو سمجھیں کیونکہ اخبار کے لکھاری خبر میں ایک فقرے میں کئی چھوٹی فریزوں کو شامل کرتے ہیں۔ نیچے دی گئی ہیڈلائن میں لفظِ “ایرانین” کو کھول کر لمبا کیا گیا ہے۔ جبکہ سادہ یہ بھی کہا جا سکتا تھا کہ “ایرانی مر گیا”۔ لیکن یہ کہا گیا کہ”ایرانی جس نے ٹرمینل فلم کو متاثر کیا مر گیا”۔ 

“Iranian who inspired The Terminal film dies at Paris airport”

یعنی اگر ناؤن فریز یا پریپوزیشنل چھوٹی چھوٹی فریزوں کو سمجھ لیا جائے تو کچھ حد تک اخبار کا سٹرکچر سمجھ آنا شروع ہو جاتا ہے۔ اسکے بعد ووکیبلری بڑا مسئلہ بن جاتی ہے۔ یعنی اخبار میں لکھنے الفاظ کے معنی ہی نہیں آتے تو سٹرکچر کہاں سمجھ آئے گا۔ ووکیبلری بہتری بنانے کیلئے نیچے دی گئی تجویز پر عمل کریں۔ 

How to Improve Vocabulary

ایک اخبار لے کر اسکی ایک خبر پر پورا دن کام کریں کیونکہ ووکیبلری کے الفاظ دماغ میں جلد نہیں بیٹھتے بلکہ انہیں کچھ وقت دینا پڑتا ہے۔ اخبار سے 2 یا 3 الفاظ ایسے اٹھا لیں جو آپکے لئے بالکل نئے ہیں۔ انکا معنی ڈکشنری سے دیکھ کر لکھ لیں اور اخبار کو میز پر رکھ دیں۔ یعنی اخبار پر مزید کام چھوڑ دیں اور اپنی روز مرہ زندگی میں مشغول ہو جائیں۔ ساتھ ساتھ ان یاد کئے گئے 2 یا 4 الفاظ کو مختلف فقرات میں زہن میں سوچتے رہیں اور فقرات بناتے رہیں۔ مثال کے طور پر آپ نے یہ لفظ سوچا ”پھانسی لی”۔ تو اسے مختلف فقرات یعنی لڑکے نے مایوس ہو کر پھانسی لی، یا عدالت کی طرف سے صحیح فیصلہ نا آنے پر پھانسی لی وغیرہ جیسے فقرے بنائیں۔ بے شک غلط فقرے بنیں، کیونکہ ابھی کیلئے ووکیبلری کا وہ لفظ دماغ میں بٹھانا ضروری ہے بجائے صحیح فقرہ لکھنے کے۔ 

Working on Sentence Level

فقرات کی سطح پر اس سے بہتر کوئی تجویز نہیں ہوگی کہ آپ پورا فقرہ “فل سٹاپ” تک پڑھیں اور اسکے مفہوم کا ترجمہ اپنی کاپی پر لکھیں۔ اس طرح تمام فقرات جن پر آپ کام کرنا چاہتے ہیں وہ لکھ لیں اور اخبار کو ایک طرف رکھ دیں۔ اسکے بعد اپنی لکھی ہوئی اردو کو دوبارہ انگریزی میں منتقل کریں۔ ووکیبلری اور فریزوں کا مسئلہ نہیں ہوگا کیونکہ آپ پہلے ہی ان پر کام کر چکے ہیں۔ اس طرح کرنے سے آپ چند دنوں میں اخباری زبان پر مہارت حاصل کر لیں گے۔ اس سے اگلے مرحلے میں آپ “ایڈیٹوریل” سیکشن سے چند افراد کے آرٹیکلز لیں اور انکے 2-3 فقرات کا مفہوم اپنے لفظوں میں لکھیں۔ اس پریکٹس سے ایک وقت ایسا آئے گا کہ آپ پوراآرٹیکل پڑھیں گے اور اسے چند مںٹوں میں اپنے الفاظ میں شفٹ کر لیں گے۔ اگر آرٹیکل پسند آیا ہے تو دوستوں کے ساتھ شیئر کریں۔ 


100 Most Common Verbs | Vocabulary Words


100 Common Verbs | Vocabulary Words

انگریزی زبان میں ورب یعنی فعل کو بہت اہمیت حاصل ہے۔ فعل کسی بھی فقرے میں بنیادی لفظ سمجھا جاتا ہے۔ نیچے 50 مشہور انگریزی ورب کی فہرست دی جا رہی ہے جنہیں آپ مختلف سٹرکچرز میں استعمال کرسکتے  ہیں۔ انکے ساتھ ورب کی شکلیں اور مثالیں بھی دی گئی ہیں۔ مثالوں میں زمانے یعنی ٹینسز کو مختلف طریقوں سے شامل کرنے کی کوشش کی گئی ہے تاکہ طلباء کو ساتھ ساتھ زمانے بھی کلیر ہو جائیں۔ یاد رہے فعل کی تیسری شکل پرفیکٹ ٹینسز اور پیسو وائس میں استعال ہوتی ہے۔



Verbs 1 to 15

1- to have رکھنا  had  had


I have a car. میں ایک گاڑی رکھتا ہوں۔


I had a car. میں ایک گاڑی رکھتا تھا۔


I have had a car. میں ایک گاڑی رکھ چکا ہوں۔


Here ‘have’ is helping verb and ‘had’ is main verb and we have used ‘3rd form’ as a main verb.

2- to do کرنا did  done


I do my work daily. میں روزانہ اپنا کام کرتا ہوں۔


I did my work yesterday. میں نے کل اپنا کام کیا۔


I will do my work tomorrow. میں کل اپنا کام کروں گا۔


3. To say کہنا said   said


I say these words every morning. ہر صبح میں یہ الفاظ کہتا ہوں۔


I said these words to her. میں نے یہ الفاظ اس سے کہے۔


I have said these words to him. میں اسے یہ الفاظ کہہ چکا ہوں۔


4. To go جانا  went   gone


You go to work on Sunday. تم اتوار کو کام پر جاتے ہو۔


You went to see him. تم اسے دیکھنے گئے۔


You will have gone to see him. تم اسے دیکھنے جا چکے ہوگے۔


5- To make بنانا made made


They make big jokes. وہ بڑے لطیفے بناتے ہیں۔


He made a funny story. اس نے مزاحیہ کہانی بنائی


A funny story was made by him. ایک مزاحیہ کہانی اس کے ذریعے بنائی گئی۔


6. To call بلانا Called Called


I call you after few minutes. میں تمہیں کچھ دیر بعد بلاتا ہوں۔


I called you yesterday but your phone was busy. میں نے تمہیں کل کال کی لیکن تمھارا فون مصروف تھا۔


I have already called her but she did not reply. میں اسے پہلے ہی کال کر چکا ہوں لیکن اس نے جواب نہیں دیا۔


7. To work کام کرنا worked worked


I work from home. میں گھر سے کام کرتا ہوں۔


I worked hard last year. میں نے بہت سخت کام کیا پچھلے سال یعنی بہت محنت کی۔


I have worked in that company. میں اس کمپنی میں کام کر چکا ہوں۔


8- To tell بتانا Told Told


My grandmother tells horror stories. میری دادی اماں خوفناک کہانیاں سناتی ہیں۔


My uncle told me his life journey. میرے انکل نےمجھے اپنی زندگی کا سفر بتایا۔


This message has been told in the class. یہ پیغام کلاس میں بتایا جا چکا ہے۔


9- To give دینا gave given


You give chocolates to your kids when they finish their homework. تم اپنے بچوں کو چاکلیٹ دیتے ہو جب وہ اپنا ہوم ورک ختم کرتے ہیں۔


She gave me some flowers. اس نے مجھے کچھ پھول دیئے۔


They have given something to him. انہوں نے اسے کچھ دیا ہے۔ یعنی دے چکے ہیں۔


10- To find تلاش کرنا found found


I find my keys in the room. میں اپنی چابیاں کمرے میں تلاش کرتا ہوں۔


I found those keys in the bathroom. مجھے وہ چابیاں باتھ روم میں ملیں۔


You have found it quite interesting. تم نے اسے کچھ دلچسپ پایا ہے۔


11- to use استعمال کرنا Used Used


I use my phone when I get bored. جب میں اداس ہوتا ہوں تو فون کا استعمال کرتا ہوں۔


I used her phone last day to make a call. گزشتہ دن میں نے اسکا فون استعمال کیا کال کرنے کیلئے۔


I have already used this application. میں یہ ایپ پہلے ہی استعمال کر چکا ہوں۔


12- Look دیکھنا looked looked


You look at me. تم میری طرف دیکھتے ہو۔


You looked at him. تم نے اسکی طرف دیکھا۔


You have looked into the matter. تم نے معاملے میں دیکھ لیا ہے۔


13- want چاہنا wanted wanted


I want this car. میں یہ گاڑی چاہتا ہوں۔


I wanted to buy this car. میں یہ گاڑی خریدنا چاہتا تھا۔


I have wanted that person. میں نے اس شخص کو چاہا ہے۔ یعنی چاہ چکا ہوں پہلے ہی۔


14 – To come آنا came come


I come here every morning. میں ہر صبح یہاں آتا ہوں۔


I came here yesterday. میں کل یہاں آیا۔


I have aleady come here. میں پہلے ہی یہاں آ چکا ہوں۔


15- see دیکھنا saw seen


I see you there. میں تمہیں وہاں دیکھتا ہوں۔


I saw you there. میں نے تمہیں وہاں دیکھا۔


I have seen you somewhere. میں تمہیں کہیں دیکھ چکا ہوں۔

Verbs 16 - 50

16 – to Get حاصل کرنا Got Got


17- to know جاننا  knew known


18- to think سوچنا thought thought


19- to take لینا  took taken


20- to build تعمیر کرنا built built


21- to try کوشش کرنا tried tried


22- to ask پوچھنا asked asked


23- to need ضرورت ہونا  needed needed


24- to feel محسوس کرنا  felt felt


25- to become بننا  became become


26- to leave چھوڑنا  left left


27 to put ڈالنا  put put


28 to mean مطلب ہونا  meant meant


29 to keep رکھنا  kept kept


30 to publish چھاپنا published




31 to begin شروع کرنا began begun


32 to seem دِکھنا  seemed seemed


33 to help مدد کرنا  helped helped


34 to talk بات کرنا  talked talked


35 to turn بدلنا  turned turned


36 to start شروع کرنا  started started


37 to show دکھانا showed shown


38 to hear سننا  heard heard


39 to play کھیلنا  played played


40 to run بھاگنا  ran run


41 to move حرکت کرنا moved moved


42 to like پسند کرنا liked liked


43 to live رہنا lived lived


44 to believe یقین کرنا  believed believed


45 to hold پکڑنا  held held


46 to bring لانا  brought brought


47 to happen واقع ہونا happened happened


48 to write لکھنا wrote written


49 to provide مہیا کرنا provided provided


50 to buy خریدنا bought bought


نیچے مزید 50 افعال کی فہرست دی جا رہی ہے انہیں سادہ فقرات میں استعمال کر کے پریکٹس کریں۔


Verbs 51 - 75


51 to stand کھڑے ہونا stood stood

52 to lose ہارنا  lost lost

53 to pay ادا کرنا  paid paid

54 to meet  ملنا met met

55 to include شامل کرنا included included

56 to continue جاری رکھنا continued continued

57 to set قائم کرنا set set

58 to learn سیکھنا  learnt / learned learnt / learned

59 to change بدلنا changed changed

60 to lead رہنمائی کرنا led led

61 to understand سمجھنا  understood understood

62 to watch دیکھنا watched watched

63 to follow پیروی کرنا  followed followed

64 to stop رکنا stopped stopped

65 to create پیدا کرنا created created

66 to speak بولنا spoke spoken

67 to read پڑھنا read read

68 to allow اجازت دینا allowed allowed

69 to add شامل کرنا  added added

70 to spend گزارنا spent spent

71 to grow بڑھانا grew grown

72 to open کھولنا opened opened

73 to walk پیدل چلنا walked walked

74 to win جیتنا won won

75 to offer ادا کرنا offered offered


نیچے دیئے گئے الفاظ کو ماڈل وربز کے ساتھ جوڑ کر پریکٹس کریں۔


Modal Verbs: May Might Can Could Will Would Shall Should Must



Verbs 76 - 100

 76 to remember یاد رکھنا  remembered remembered

77 to love محبت کرنا  loved loved

78 to consider سمجھنا considered considered

79 to appear ظاہر ہونا  appeared appeared

80 to suppose فرض کرنا supposed supposed

81 to wait انتظار کرنا  waited waited

82 to serve خدمت کرنا served served

83 to die مدد کرنا died died

84 to send بھیجنا sent sent

85 to expect توقع کرنا expected expected

86 to draw کھینچنا drew drawn

87 to stay قیام کرنا stayed stayed

88 to fall گرنا  fell fallen

89 to cut کاٹنا  cut cut

90 to reach پہنچنا reached reached

91 to kill قتل کرنا killed killed

92 to remain رہنا remained remained

93 to suggest مشورہ دینا suggested suggested

94 to raise بڑھانا  raised raised

95 to pass گزرنا passed passed

96 to sell بیچنا sold sold

97 to require ضرورت ہونا required required

98 to report اطلاع دینا reported reported

99 to decide فیصلہ کرنا decided decided

100 to design  ڈیزائن کرنا designed designed


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